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Oct 22, 2020
Office 365: Finally Document ID service works is expected.
Fixed! It looks like Microsoft, at some point this year, fixed a bunch of stuff with DocumentIDs. For the first time ever Microsoft...
Sep 27, 2019
Intranets: what do you want?
Intranets as a concept have been around over 25 years, and content management solutions allowing business-users to deliver them nearly as...

Nov 30, 2018
Office365 - where do I start?
Adopting Office 365? Which bits can you safely use, and not end up in a dead-end? Read-on...

Jul 11, 2018
Archive in an online-world
Archiving with SharePoint Online We get bombarded with questions on how to derive value from investing SharePoint Online and Office 365,...

Jun 13, 2018
MIGRATIONS – When “common sense” isn’t
When paying for a tool to do a job is more cost effective than DIY. A breakdown of hidden costs of developing vs. buying the right tool.

Jun 8, 2018
Office 365 MC141079.. another dumb move
I really like the Microsoft platform, and genuinely believe it is (by and large) the best productivity toolkit on the planet today, but...

May 18, 2018
Microsoft makes your operational risk decisions...
As an ex-MS I get frustrated when they do dumb-things, and with O365 releases this is more frequent than I'd like, but I just read this...

Mar 23, 2018
DocumentSets - still stuffed, but...
Microsoft's gradual improvement in Office 365 and SharePoint online is starting to pay off. They are finally getting a handle on useful...

Feb 26, 2018
Office 365 - some good, some bad
We've all been to fair-grounds and fun-parks, we know just how fun and scary the big rides can be. Office 365 is like that. Sometimes its...

Jan 16, 2018
SharePoint Modern UI - less ready than you might think
On our SharePoint Online sites we've had aspects of the emerging Modern User Interface for sometime now. I thought we had just reached...
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